By Tinashe Nyoni

Mental health refers to a dynamic state of internal equilibrium which enables individuals to use their abilities in harmony with universal values of society. It takes into consideration basic cognitive and social skills, ability to recognize, express and modulate one’s own emotions as well as empathize with others; flexibility and ability to cope with adverse life events.

Mental Health and finances have a great linkage. Having debts and empty pockets often leads to stress thus causing one to engage in unhealthy behaviors. Knowing how to manage finances reduces financial stress and ultimately improves one’s mental health.

One of the three key pillars at Kwakha Indvodza is male health. Generally, in the past male health was often viewed in the premise of sexual health and reproductive health, neglecting the silent killer, mental health. We at KI have noticed we need to do more, do better in having programs that promotes a whole-stick approach to male health. The whole-stick approach to male health is influenced by the observation of the impact of neglecting male health; in 2020 55.10% men committed suicide, and in the world generally more men commit suicide compared to women. Through programs such as Babelocotfo, Litfuba ngelakho and lisango letempilo we encourage men to take charge of their health and be more active in taking health decision even on mental Health.

Through SEIG we equip men to have means to attain financial health. These programs; are inadvertently working towards changing the lives of those around us and mental health in men, changing one life at a time. There are several ways one can ensure a healthy mind i.e., regular exercising, having enough time to sleep, having a social life, connecting with friends and family, eating healthy as well as maintaining healthy habits ensuring you don’t drink or smoke excessively. There is an urgent need for Africa to ensure there is enough pool of resources to tackle mental issues at various community levels. I call upon our respective leaders to consider and give adequate attention to mental health and invest more in community-based services. Awareness raising and capacity building on mental health is of paramount importance. There is no health without Mental health.

Mental health issues can result in a lot of stress.



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